BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive50 Aventurin Red in front of coast
純電行駛里程630 km*
Engine and Fuel TypeFull-Electric


BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive50 Aventurin Red in front of coast

全新BMW iX

純電行駛里程630 km*
Engine and Fuel TypeFull-Electric

全新BMW iX:純粹駕馭 逐電而行

為嶄新願景而生,為純電移動所打造。BMW iX藉由卓越高效的BMW eDrive電動全時驅動系統,創造出優異的純電行駛里程與強大的加速表現。全新的BMW iDrive系統,隨時保持在最新狀態,提供創新直覺的操作體驗。

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比較BMW iX xDrive50 與 BMW iX xDrive40

BMW iX xDrive50

  • 高達630公里續航里程*
  • 最大馬力523 hp
  • 0-100 km/h加速僅需4.6秒
  • 搭配直流快速充電,最快可在10分鐘內補充150公里的續航里程
BMW iX xDrive50 純電休旅 車型焦點 i20

BMW iX xDrive40

  • 長達425公里續航里程*
  • 最大馬力326 hp
  • 從0加速至100公里/小時僅需6.1秒
  • 搭配直流快速充電,最快可在10分鐘內補充95公里的續航里程
BMW iX xDrive40 純電休旅 車型焦點 i20
  • BMW iX xDrive50
  • BMW iX xDrive40

設計您專屬的BMW iX純電休旅

BMW iX高達630公里的純電可行駛距離*

BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive50 Aventurin Red driving on a street range

擁有高達630公里*純電可行駛距離的BMW iX xDrive50及425公里*純電可行駛距離的BMW iX xDrive40,是日常移動的完美坐駕,也是市區和長途駕駛的理想選擇。封閉的車頭和車尾的下方分流翼,搭配平整的車門門把及整合至車窗飾板的車外後視鏡等獨特細節,讓全新BMW iX達到僅0.25的出色風阻值,是創新車款設計與高效動能的完美結合。

BMW iX高達523匹的最大馬力輸出

BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive50 Aventurin Red video

BMW iX藉由兩具強大的電動馬達和BMW xDrive電力全時四輪驅動系統,提供出色的純電性能表現:BMW iX xDrive50擁有高達523匹最大馬力的輸出,更能在4.6秒內從靜止加入至100公里 / 小時;而BMW iX xDrive40擁有326匹最大馬力輸出,也能在6.1秒靜止加入至100公里 / 小時。BMW iX展現充滿自信與嶄新純電操駕感受,優異的扭力和流暢的靜止加速表現,讓BMW iX對加速踏板的每次作動皆有精準與靈敏的反應,讓您恣意享受電能馳騁所帶來的操駕快感。


BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive50 Aventurin Red charging at a BMW Wallbox


1小時41分鐘 – BMW家用交流充電座(11 kW)

8小時31分鐘 – 旅行用充電組連接家用插座(2.3 kW)

BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive50 Aventurin Red charging at a public high power charging station


6分鐘 – BMW i直流高速充電站(200 kW)

21分鐘 – 直流快速充電站(50 kW)

BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive40 Sophisto Grey charging at a BMW Wallbox


1小時39分鐘 – BMW家用交流充電座(11 kW)

8小時18分鐘 – 旅行用充電組連接家用插座(2.3 kW)
Contact dealer for charging solutions
BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive40 Sophisto Grey charging at a public high power charging station


8分鐘 – BMW i直流高速充電站(200 kW)

21分鐘 – 直流快速充電站(50 kW)

BMW IX純電休旅的創新科技

擁有革新數位科技功能的BMW iX,不僅提供高速連線能力,也是首款標準配備5G連線能力的BMW車輛。

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全新BMW iDrive系統令人全然沉浸於座艙體驗中。以直覺且自然的方式與您的BMW溝通。除了iDrive系統使用介面的觸控功能外,還能夠過語音的方式與內建的智慧語音助理互動,即時操作資訊娛樂系統,讓您在BMW iX的駕馭時光更加愜意愉悅。

BMW iX的BMW Personal CoPilot 智慧駕駛輔助科技

BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive50 Aventurin Red driving in urban sorroundings

BMW iX為您提供完整豐富的安全標準配備:智慧駕駛輔助科技透過主動防撞輔助與行人偵測、主動車距定速控制系統、主動車道維持輔助、壅塞交通輔助等12項智慧駕駛功能,在各種駕駛情況中提供給駕駛最高等級的安全防護,為駕駛帶來最佳的舒適度與安全性。


BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive50 Aventurin Red side view exterior

藉由鮮明車身線條與簡潔的表面創造出全新BMW iX獨特的一體化造型。各處細節皆完美融入現代設計語彙中,勾勒出外觀俐落優雅的姿態。封閉的車頭和車尾的下方分流翼,搭配隱藏式車門門把及整合至車窗飾板的車外後視鏡等獨特細節,讓全新BMW iX達到僅0.25的出色風阻值,是創新車款設計與高效動能的完美結合。

BMW iX的創新Shy Tech隱形科技

BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive50 Aventurin Red front view BMW kidney Shy Tech

Shy Tech隱形科技概念以乘客為中心,讓科技僅在有需求時才顯現:每一處精心設計的細節,都是全新BMW iX將智慧科技無形中融入生活的展現。BMW雙腎型水箱護罩完全封閉,化身為純然智慧科技的象徵,攝影機科技、雷達功能、極為先進的感應器科技,以及相關的清潔系統和加熱元件均設置其中。車內則有音響系統的隱形嵌入式揚聲器和獨特按鈕設計。

BMW iX純電休旅的外觀設計特色

BMW iX electric SUV Aventurin Red i20 front view


前衛奢華美學,BMW iX以未來主義的風格重新詮釋,自成一格。垂直的BMW雙腎型水箱護罩,搭配全新設計的細長頭燈,創造出更加出眾奪目的純電駕馭型格。
BMW iX electric SUV Aventurin Red i20 side view


全新BMW iX以卓越動感的車身比例,結合流暢洗鍊的車身線條,勾勒出更加出眾奪目的側面身影。車輪周圍鮮明的矩形輪廓,令人聯想到經典BMW X車型。從車外後視鏡、車門把手和朝車尾收窄的車窗形狀,優雅和諧地融入車身線條。
BMW iX electric SUV Aventurin Red i20 rear view




BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV interior Suite leather Castanea

BMW iX的內裝以「生活空間」顛覆座艙想像,創造日常和旅行都舒適愜意的駕乘體驗。具有大尺寸BMW一體式曲面螢幕的全新儀錶設計和高雅舒適的座椅等內裝配備,皆像是選用了高質感的精緻家具。獨立的懸浮式中央鞍座、中央底板的平整化設計和BMW產品中最大的電控調節採光全景式玻璃車頂,營造出開放明亮的空間感與輕鬆的氛圍。

BMW iX純電休旅的內裝設計特色

Minimalist interior design.


BMW iX i20 electric SUV rear interior design Suite Castanea


BMW iX i20 electric SUV panorama glass roof interior


Sky Lounge電控調節採光全景式玻璃車頂,為車內營造出開放明亮的空間感與輕鬆的氛圍。可透過電控調節變色遮陽,以避免陽光直射進車內。由於移除了車內頂篷,乘客可獲得更開闊的頭部空間。
BMW iX i20 electric SUV BMW Curved Display interior


中央顯示螢幕所採用的BMW一體式曲面螢幕,首次為全新BMW iX投入量產,成為體現BMW經典駕駛者導向座艙的創新配備。12.3吋儀錶螢幕與14.9吋中控顯示觸控螢幕合而為一,彷彿是在儀錶板上的一個前衛相框。

BMW iX的嶄新永續概念

BMW iX i20 2021 electric SUV BMW iX xDrive50 Aventurin Red sustainability video

在生產過程中使用專屬的再生能源,與內裝中的天然和可回收材料,BMW iX 完美體現BMW的永續理念。在內裝中採用以天然橄欖葉鞣製的Castanea真皮和100%再生尼龍面料腳踏墊等天然與回收材質,不僅展現了對生命週期中每個細節的重視,也創造了跨越時代的無限駕馭樂趣。

立即預購全新BMW iX純電休旅

BMW iX xDrive50 i20 2021 electric SUV finance and lease

開創移動未來新時代,BMW iX豪華純電駕馭境界,由您引領,立即領略體驗!

Energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

* measured according to the WLTP test cycle


** Market-specific offer valid for new vehicles from BMW branches and dealers in Europe in the BMW Charging Network


BMW iX xDrive40(1):
Power consumption in kWh/100 km (combined): 19.4–22.5
Fuel consumption in l/100 km (combined): 0
CO2 emissions in g/km (combined): 0

BMW iX xDrive50(1):
Power consumption in kWh/100 km (combined): 19.8–23.0
Fuel consumption in l/100 km (combined): 0
CO2 emissions in g/km (combined): 0

The values of the vehicles labelled with (1) are preliminary.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor. Aenean massa. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Donec quam felis, ultricies nec, pellentesque eu, pretium quis, sem. Nulla consequat massa quis enim. Donec pede justo, fringilla vel, aliquet nec, vulputate eget, arcu. In enim justo, rhoncus ut, imperdie.

The basis for the calculation of the charging times for 100 km range is the electric consumption. Values refer to 23 degrees Celsius battery start and ambient temperature with certification values excluding additional auxiliary consumers such as seat heating, displays, air conditioning. Individual consumption may differ (driving profile, temperature, ambient conditions). Consumption is based on WLTP best case.

Minimum charging time at Wallbox and Flexible Fast Charger with 11 kW, supply voltage 400 V, current 16 A (3-phase), applies to all EU 28 countries.         

Charging with a wallbox is an AC charging process 0-100% state of charge with 11 kW.

With the Flexible Fast Charger, you can charge your vehicle flexibly at different home charging points. It is an AC charging process 0-100% state of charge with 11 kW at an industrial socket.

Minimum charging time at household socket with 2.3 kW, supply voltage 230 V, current 10 A (1-phase), applies to all EU 28 countries.          

If required, you can charge your vehicle at a household socket. This is an AC charging process 0-100% state of charge with 2.3 kW. For fast, safe and convenient charging, we recommend a BMW Wallbox.

Minimum charging time at public DC charging station with max. 350 kW performance.

With At a high-power charging station, e.g. from the IONITY network, you can charge your vehicle with maximum vehicle charging performance. This is a DC charging process 10-80% state of charge.

Minimum charging time at public DC charging station with max. 50 kW performance.

At a fast charging station, you can charge your vehicle quickly in the city or while travelling. This is a DC charging process 10-80% state of charge with max. 50 kW.

Minimum charging time at AC charging station with max. 22 kW, supply voltage 400 V, current 32 A (3-phase).        

You can charge your vehicle almost anywhere at a public charging station. This is an AC charging process 0-100 % state of charge with maximum vehicle charging perfomance. 

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